Friday, September 15, 2017

Get More Leads, Traffic And Buyers With SociBot

SociBot is an all in one Facebook traffic and commission getting software that will help you to grow your business on autopilot, even while you are away. The software allows you to build huge list of people who comment and engage with your Facebook posts, then allowing you to direct message these people in a bid to sell your products and services.

In addition to the main feature that SociBot allows you to build a list and capture the audience of people that engage with your posts. It has a huge list of awesome feautres that will help you to build your online business.

Click to Get More Info Here

Under one dashboard, the SociBot platform has a wealth of features including the ability to auto-respond to messages your fan page receives and automatically respond to comments your fanpage recieves by direct messaging to the person via the Facebook inbox.

The SociBot software also has a unique features that enables you to import anyone who has historically messaged your page, into a ‘list’ which you can then mass message.

It also has a button generator tool which will allow you to place a button onto your website, blog or landing page which when clicked will open the Facebook messenger window allowing your customers, prospects or viewers to message you direct.

In addition to these awesome features, it also has a very unique feature which helps you to eliminate all spam from your Facebook fan page immediately. This is extremely powerful because as we all know there are a few people out there who like to put nasty comments on posts and pages and this feature will eliminate these posts so nobody can see them.

Click to Get SociBot

Ultimately, this is a very powerful platform which has several tools under one roof that will help you to build your email list, your Facebook messenger list with the power of contacting all these people direct into your FaceBook messenger automatically. To get SociBot, Click on the link in the description and thanks for watching.

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